Family Owned Business
For His Glory Collection started as a business & passion owned & worked by myself (Alejandra Sorola) towards the end of the year. We took a different turn and by we I mean my husband & I. Yes! My husband is now fully involved in everything FHGC. We bought an embroidery machine and started making designs. We have been blown away at how God has blessed us with this new venture.
So here is a little about ourselves.
On July 15th we will be married for 6 years.
We have 3 beautiful children together, who I homeschool.
My husband is working full time at his secular job, which we are praying that this year of 2023 he gets to quit and work full time for For His Glory Collection
(help us pray)
We attend Calvary Church where my husband is an usher, And I am part of Sunday school, Praise team and other areas.
A perfect date for us would be dinner & movies.
We are both BIG coffee drinkers!
And enjoy working together.